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mber what youve told him。

maybe hes just confused by the sudden change and hell get over it。 otherwise察everything is going fine。

mr。 dussel has told us much about the outside world weve missed for so long。 he had sad news。 countless friends and acquaintances have been taken off to a dreadful fate。 night after night察green and gray military vehicles cruise the streets。 they knock on every door察asking whether any jews live there。 if so察the whole family is immediately taken away。 if not察they proceed to the next house。 its impossible to escape their clutches unless you go into hiding。 they often go around with lists察knocking only on those doors where they know theres a big haul to be made。 they frequently offer a bounty察so much per head。 its like the slave hunts of the olden days。 i dont mean to make light ofthisj its much too tragic for that。 in the evenings when its dark察i often see long lines of good察innocent people察acpanied by crying children察walking on and on察ordered about by a handful of men who bully and beat them until they nearly drop。 no one is spared。 the sick察the elderly察children察babies and pregnant women  all are marched to their death。

were so fortunate here察away from the turmoil。 we wouldnt have to give a moments thought to all this suffering if it werent for the fact that were so worried about those we hold dear察whom we can no longer help。 i feel wicked sleeping in a warm bed察while somewhere out there my dearest friends are dropping from exhaustion or being knocked to the ground。

i get frightened myself when i think of close friends who are now at the mercy of the cruelest monsters ever to stalk the earth。

and all because theyre jews。


friday察november 20察1942

dearest kitty

we dont really know how to react。 up to now very little news about the jews had reached us here察and we thought it best to stay as cheerful as possible。 every now and then miep used to mention what had happened to a friend察and mother or mrs。

van daan would start to cry察so she decided it was better not to say any more。 but we bombarded mr。 dussel with questions察and the stories he had to tell were so gruesome and dreadful that we cant get them out of our heads。 once weve had time to digest the news察well probably go back to our usual joking and teasing。 it wont do us or those outside any good if we continue to be as gloomy as we are now。 and what would be the point of turning the secret annex into a melancholy annex

no matter what im doing察i cant help thinking about those who are gone。 i catch myself laughing and remember that its a disgrace to be so cheerful。 but am i supposed to spend the whole day crying拭no察i cant do that。 this gloom will pass。

added to this misery theres another察but of a more personal nature察and it pales in parison to the suffering ive just told you about。 still察i cant help telling you that lately ive begun to feel deserted。 im surrounded by too great a void。 i never used to give it much thought察since my mind was filled with my friends and having a good time。 now i think either about unhappy things or about myself。 its taken a while察but ive finally realized that father察no matter how kind he may be察cant take the place of my former world。 when it es to my feelings察mother and margot ceased to count long ago。

but why do i bother you with this foolishness拭im terribly ungrateful察kitty察i know察but when ive been scolded for the umpteenth time and have all these other woes to think about as well察my head begins to reel


saturday察november 2g察1942

dearest kitty

weve been using too much electricity and have now exceeded our ration。 the result

excessive economy and the prospect of having the electricity cut off。 no light for fourteen days察thats a pleasant thought察isnt it拭but who knows察maybe it wont be so long its too dark to read after four or four´thirty察so we while away the time with all kinds of crazy activities此telling riddles察doing calisthenics in the dark察speaking english or french察reviewing books  after a while everything gets boring。 yesterday i discovered a new pastime此using a good pair of binoculars to peek into the lighted rooms of the neighbors。 during the day our curtains cant be opened察not even an inch察but theres no harm when its so dark。

i never knew that neighbors could be so interesting。 ours are察at any rate。 ive e across a few at dinner察one family making home movies and the dentist across the way working on a frightened old lady。

mr。 dussel察the man who was said to get along so well with children and to absolutely adore them察has turned out to be an old´fashioned disciplinarian and preacher of unbearably long sermons on manners。 since i have the singular pleasure ┌。 of sharing my far too narrow room with his excellency察and since im generally considered to be the worst behaved of the three young people察its all i can do to avoid having the same old scoldings and admonitions repeatedly flung at my head and to pretend not to hear。 this wouldnt be so bad if mr。 dussel werent such a tattletale and hadnt singled out mother to be the recipient of his reports。 if mr。 dussels just read me the riot act察mother lectures me all over again察this time throwing the whole book at me。

and if im really lucky察mrs。 van d。 calls me to account five minutes later and lays down the law as well

really察its not easy being the badly brought´up center of attention of a family of nitpickers。

in bed at night察as i ponder my many sins and exaggerated shortings察i get so confused by the sheer amount of things i have to consider that i either laugh or cry察depending on my mood。 then i fall asleep with the strange feeling of wanting to be different than i am or being different than i want to be察or perhaps of behaving differently than i am or want to be。

oh dear察now im confusing you too。 forgive me察but i dont like crossing things out察and in these times of scarcity察tossing away a piece of paper is clearly taboo。 so i can only advise you not to reread the above passage and to make no attempt to get to the bottom of it察because youll never find your way out again


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monday察december 7察1942

dearest kitty

hanukkah and st。 nicholas day nearly coincided this year察they were only one day apart。 we didnt make much of a fuss with hanukkah察merely exchanging a few small gifts and lighting the candles。 since candles are in short supply察we lit them for only ten minutes察but as long as we sing the song察that doesnt matter。 mr。 van daan made a menorah out of wood察so that was taken care of too。

st。 nicholas day on saturday was much more fun。 during dinner bep and miep were so busy whispering to father that our curiosity was aroused and we suspected they were up to something。 sure enough察at eight oclock we all trooped downstairs through the hall in pitch darkness it gave me the shivers察and i wished i was safely back upstairs。 to the alcove。 we could switch on the light察since this room doesnt have any windows。 when that was done察father opened the big cabinet。

;oh察how wonderful ─we all cried。

in the corner was a large basket decorated with colorful paper and a mask of black peter。

we quickly took the basket upstairs with us。 inside was a little gift for everyone察including an appropriate verse。 since youre famthar with the kinds of poems peo ple write each other on st。 nicholas day察i wont copy them down for you。

i received a kewpie doll察father got bookends察and so on。 well anyway察it was a nice idea察and since the eight of us had never celebrated st。 nicholas day before察this was a good time to begin。


ps。 we also had presents for everyone downstairs察a few things 。left over from the good old days察plus miep and bep are always grateful for money。

today we heard that mr。 van daan s ashtray察mr。 dussels picture frame and fathers bookends were made by none other than mr。 voskuijl。 how anyone can be so clever with his hands is a mystery to me

thursday察december 10察1942

dearest kitty

mr。 van daan used to be in the meat察sausage and spice business。 he was hired for his knowledge of spices察and yet察to our great delight察its his sausage talents that have e in handy now。

we ordered a large amount of meat under the counter察of course that we were planning to preserve in case there were hard times ahead。 mr。 van daan decided to make bratwurst察sausages and mettwurst。 i had fun watching him put the meat through the grinder此once察twice察three times。 then he added the remaining ingredi ents to the ground meat and used a long pipe to force the mixture into the casings。

we ate the bratwurst with sauerkraut for lunch察but the sausages察which were going to be canned察had to dry first察so we hung them over a pole suspended from the cethng。 everyone who came into the room burst into laughter when they saw the dangling sausages。it was such a ical sight。

the kitchen was a shambles。 mr。 van daan察clad in his wifes apron and looking fatter than ever察was working away at the meat。 what with his bloody hands察red face and spotted apron察he looked like a real butcher。 mrs。 d。 was trying to do everything at once此learning dutch out of a book察stirring the soup察watching the meat察sighing and moaning about her broken rib。 thats what happens when old ┌。 ladies do such stupid exercises to get rid of their fat behinds dussel had an eye infection and was sitting next to the stove dabbing his eye with camomile tea。 pim察seated in the one ray of sunshine ing through the window察kept having to move his chair this way and that to stay out of the way。 his rheumatism must have been bothering him because he was slightly hunched over and was keeping an eye on mr。 van daan with an agonized expression on his face。 he reminded me of those aged invalids you see in the poor´house。 peter was romping around the room with mouschi察the cat察while mother察margot and i were peeling boiled potatoes。 when you get right down to it察none of us were doing our work properly察because we were all so busy watching mr。 van daan。

dussel has opened his dental practice。 just for fun察ill describe the session with his very fi
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