s nolack of it; but I know of no tunnel…making。 I saw Mr。 Bilbo when he came back;
a matter of sixty years ago; when I was a lad。 I'd not long e prentice toold Holman (him being my dad's cousin); but he had me up at Bag End helpinghim to keep folks from trampling and trapessing all over the garden while thesale was on。 And in the middle of it all Mr。 Bilbo es up the Hill with apony and some mighty big bags and a couple of chests。 I don't doubt they weremostly full of treasure he had picked up in foreign parts; where there bemountains of gold; they say; but there wasn't enough to fill tunnels。 But mylad Sam will know more about that。 He's in and out of Bag End。 Crazy aboutstories of the old days he is; and he listens to all Mr。 Bilbo's tales。 Mr。
Bilbo has learned him his letters – meaning no harm; mark you; and I hope noharm will e of it。
_'Elves and Dragons'_ I says to him。 '_Cabbages and potatoes are betterfor me and you。 Don't go getting mixed up in the business of your betters; oryou'll land in trouble too big for you;'_I says to him。 And I might say it toothers;' he added with a look at the stranger and the miller。
But the Gaffer did not convince his audience。 The legend of Bilbo'swealth was now too firmly fixed in the minds of the younger generation ofhobbits。
'Ah; but he has likely enough been adding to what he brought at first;'
argued the miller; voicing mon opinion。 'He's often away from home。 Andlook at the outlandish folk that visit him: dwarves ing at night; and thatold wandering conjuror; Gandalf; and all。 You can say what you like; Gaffer;
but Bag End's a queer place; and its folk are queerer。'
'And you can say _what you_ like; about what you know no more of than youdo of boating; Mr。 Sandyman;' retorted the Gaffer; disliking the miller evenmore than usual。 If that's being queer; then we could do with a bit morequeerness in these parts。 There's some not far away that wouldn't offer a pintof beer to a friend; if they lived in a hole with golden walls。 But they dothings proper at Bag End。 Our Sam says that _everyone's_ going to be invitedto the party; and there's going to be presents; mark you; presents for all –
this very month as is。'
That very month was September; and as fine as you could ask。 A day or twolater a rumour (probably started by the knowledgeable Sam) was spread aboutthat there were going to be fireworks – fireworks; what is more; such as hadnot been seen in the Shire for nigh on a century; not indeed since the OldTook died。
Days passed and The Day drew nearer。 An odd…looking waggon laden withodd…looking packages rolled into Hobbiton one evening and toiled up the Hillto Bag End。 The startled hobbits peered out of lamplit doors to gape at it。 Itwas driven by outlandish folk; singing strange songs: dwarves with long beardsand deep hoods。 A few of them remained at Bag End。 At the end of the secondweek in September a cart came in through Bywater from the direction of theBrandywine Bridge in broad daylight。 An old man was driving it all alone。 Hewore a tall pointed blue hat; a long grey cloak; and a silver scarf。 He had along white beard and bushy eyebrows that stuck out beyond the brim of his hat。
Small hobbit…children ran after the cart all through Hobbiton and right up thehill。 It had a cargo of fireworks; as they rightly guessed。 At Bilbo's frontdoor the old man began to unload: there were great bundles of fireworks of allsorts and shapes; each labelled with a large red G and the elf…rune; 。
That was Gandalf's mark; of course; and the old man was Gandalf theWizard; whose fame in the Shire was due mainly to his skill with fires;
smokes; and lights。 His real business was far more difficult and dangerous;
but the Shire…folk knew nothing about it。 To them he was just one of the'attractions' at the Party。 Hence the excitement of the hobbit…children。 'Gfor Grand!' they shouted; and the old man smiled。 They knew him by sight;
though he only appeared in Hobbiton occasionally and never stopped long; butneither they nor any but the oldest of their elders had seen one of hisfirework displays – they now belonged to the legendary past。
When the old man; helped by Bilbo and some dwarves; had finishedunloading。 Bilbo gave a few pennies away; but not a single squib or crackerwas forthing; to the disappointment of the onlookers。
'Run away now!' said Gandalf。 'You will get plenty when the time es。'
Then he disappeared inside with Bilbo; and the door was shut。 The younghobbits stared at the door in vain for a while; and then made off; feelingthat the day of the party would never e。
Inside Bag End; Bilbo and Gandalf were sitting at the open window of asmall room looking out west on to the garden。 The late afternoon was brightand peaceful。 The flowers glowed red and golden: snap…dragons and sun…flowers;
and nasturtiums trailing all over the turf walls and peeping in at the roundwindows。
'How bright your garden looks!' said Gandalf。
'Yes;' said Bilbo。 I am very fond indeed of it; and of all the dear oldShire; but I think I need a holiday。'
'You mean to go on with your plan then?'
'I do。 I made up my mind months ago; and I haven't changed it。'
'Very well。 It is no good saying any more。 Stick to your plan – yourwhole plan; mind – and I hope it will turn out for the best; for you; and forall of us。'
'I hope so。 Anyway I mean to enjoy myself on Thursday; and have my little
'Who will laugh; I wonder?' said Gandalf; shaking his head。
'We shall see;' said Bilbo。
The next day more carts rolled up the Hill; and still more carts。 Theremight have been some grumbling about 'dealing locally'; but that very weekorders began to pour out of Bag End for every kind of provision; modity; orluxury that could be obtained in Hobbiton or Bywater or anywhere in theneighbourhood。 People became enthusiastic; and they began to tick off the dayson the calendar; and they watched eagerly for the postman; hoping forinvitations。
Before long the invitations began pouring out; and the Hobbiton post…
office was blocked; and the Bywater post…office was snowed under; andvoluntary assistant postmen were called for。 There was a constant stream ofthem going up the Hill; carrying hundreds of polite variations on _Thank you;
I shall certainly e。_
A notice appeared on the gate at Bag End: NO ADMITTANCE EXCEPT ON PARTYBUSINESS。 Even those who had; or pretended to have Party Business were seldomallowed inside。 Bilbo was busy: writing invitations; ticking off answers;
packing up presents; and making some private preparations of his own。 From thetime of Gandalf's arrival he remained hidden from view。
One morning the hobbits woke to find the large field; south of Bilbo'sfront door; covered with ropes and poles for tents and pavilions。 A specialentrance was cut into the bank leading to the road; and wide steps and a largewhite gate were built there。 The three hobbit…families of Bagshot Row;
adjoining the field; were intensely interested and generally envied。 OldGaffer Gamgee stopped even pretending to work in his garden。
The tents began to go up。 There was a specially large pavilion; so bigthat the tree that grew in the field was right inside it; and stood proudlynear one end; at the head of the chief table。 Lanterns were hung on all itsbranches。 More promising still (to the hobbits' mind): an enormous open…airkitchen was erected in the north corner of the field。 A draught of cooks; from
every inn and eating…house for miles around; arrived to supplement the dwarvesand other odd folk that were quartered at Bag End。 Excitement rose to itsheight。
Then the weather clouded over。 That was on Wednesday the eve of theParty。 Anxiety was intense。 Then Thursday; September the 22nd; actuallydawned。 The sun got up; the clouds vanished; flags were unfurled and the fun
Bilbo Baggins called it a _party;_ but it was really a variety ofentertainments rolled into one。 Practically everybody living near was invited。
A very few were overlooked by accident; but as they turned up all the same;
that did not matter。 Many people from other parts of the Shire were alsoasked; and there were even a few from outside the borders。 Bilbo met theguests (and additions) at the new white gate in person。 He gave away presentsto all and sundry – the latter were those who went out again by a back way andcame in again by the gate。 Hobbits give presents to other people on their ownbirthdays。 Not very expensive ones; as a rule; and not so lavishly as on thisoccasion; but it was not a bad system。 Actually in Hobbiton and Bywater everyday in the year it was somebody's birthday; so that every hobbit in thoseparts had a fair chance of at least one present at least once a week。 But theynever got tired of them。
On this occasion the presents were unusually good。 The hobbit…childrenwere so excited that for a while they almost forgot about eating。 There weretoys the like of which they had never seen before; all beautiful and someobviously magical。 Many of them had indeed been ordered a year before; and hade all the way from the Mountain and from Dale; and were of real dwarf…make。
When every guest had been weled and was finally inside the gate; therewere songs; dances; music; games; and; of course; food and drink。 There werethree official meals: lunch; tea; and dinner (or supper)。 But lunch and teawere marked chiefly by the fact that at those times all the guests weresitting down and eating together。 At other times there were merely lots ofpeople eating and drinking – continuously from elevenses until six…thirty;
when the fireworks started。
The fireworks were by Gandalf: they were not only brought by him; butdesigned and made by him; and the special effects; set pieces; and flights ofrockets were let off by him。 But there was also a generous distribution ofsquibs; crackers; backarappers; sparklers; torches; dwarf…candles; elf…
fountains; goblin…barkers and thunder…claps。 They were all superb。 The art ofGandalf improved with age。
There were rockets like a flight of scintillating birds singing withsweet voices。 There were green trees with trunks of dark smoke: their leavesopened like a whole spring unfolding in a moment; and their shining branchesdropped glowing flowers down upon the astonished hobb