《the fellowship of the ring》



the fellowship of the ring- 第18部分

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for Bilbo's great party。 Still Gandalf did notappear。 In the evening Frodo gave his farewell feast: it was quite small; justa dinner for himself and his four helpers; but he was troubled and fell in nomood for it。 The thought that he would so soon have to part with his youngfriends weighed on his heart。 He wondered how he would break it to them。 
The four younger hobbits were; however; in high spirits; and the partysoon became very cheerful in spite of Gandalf's absence。 The dining…room wasbare except for a table and chairs; but the food was good; and there was goodwine: Frodo's wine had not been included in the sale to the Sackville… 
'Whatever happens to the rest of my stuff; when the S。…B。s get theirclaws on it; at any rate I have found a good home for this!' said Frodo; as hedrained his glass。 It was the last drop of Old Winyards。 
When they had sung many songs; and talked of many things they had donetogether; they toasted Bilbo's birthday; and they drank his health and Frodo'stogether according to Frodo's custom。 Then they went out for a sniff of air; 
and glimpse of the stars; and then they went to bed。 Frodo's party was over; 
and Gandalf had not e。  
The next morning they were busy packing another cart with the remainderof the luggage。 Merry took charge of this; and drove off with Fatty (that isFredegar Bolger)。 'Someone must get there and warm the house before youarrive;' said Merry。 'Well; see you later – the day after tomorrow; if youdon't go to sleep on the way!' 
Folco went home after lunch; but Pippin remained behind。 Frodo wasrestless and anxious; listening in vain for a sound of Gandalf。 He decided towait until nightfall。 After that; if Gandalf wanted him urgently; he would goto Crickhollow; and might even get there first。 For Frodo was going on foot。 
His plan – for pleasure and a last look at the Shire as much as any other  
reason – was to walk from Hobbiton to Bucklebury Ferry; taking it fairly easy。 
'I shall get myself a bit into training; too;' he said; looking athimself in a dusty mirror in the half…empty hall。 He had not done anystrenuous walking for a long time; and the reflection looked rather flabby; hethought。 
After lunch; the Sackville…Bagginses; Lobelia and her sandy…haired son; 
Lotho; turned up; much to Frodo's annoyance。 'Ours at last!' said Lobelia; asshe stepped inside。 It was not polite; nor strictly true; for the sale of BagEnd did not take effect until midnight。 But Lobelia can perhaps be forgiven: 
she had been obliged to wait about seventy…seven years longer for Bag End thanshe once hoped; and she was now a hundred years old。 Anyway; she had e tosee that nothing she had paid for had been carried off; and she wanted thekeys。 It took a long while to satisfy her; as she had brought a pleteinventory with her and went right through it。 In the end she departed withLotho and the spare key and the promise that the other key would be left atthe Gamgees' in Bagshot Row。 She snorted; and showed plainly that she thoughtthe Gamgees capable of plundering the hole during the night。 Frodo did notoffer her any tea。 
He took his own tea with Pippin and Sam Gamgee in the kitchen。 It hadbeen officially announced that Sam was ing to Buckland 'to do for Mr。 Frodoand look after his bit of garden'; an arrangement that was approved by theGaffer; though it did not console him for the prospect of having Lobelia as aneighbour。 
'Our last meal at Bag End!' said Frodo; pushing back his chair。 They leftthe washing up for Lobelia。 Pippin and Sam strapped up their three packs andpiled them in the porch。 Pippin went out for a last stroll in the garden。 Samdisappeared。 
The sun went down。 Bag End seemed sad and gloomy and dishevelled。 Frodowandered round the familiar rooms; and saw the light of the sunset fade on thewalls; and shadows creep out of the corners。 It grew slowly dark indoors。 Hewent out and walked down to the gate at the bottom of the path; and then on ashort way down the Hill Road。 He half expected to see Gandalf e striding upthrough the dusk。 
The sky was clear and the stars were growing bright。 'It's going to be afine night;' he said aloud。 'That's good for a beginning。 I feel like walking。 
I can't bear any more hanging about。 I am going to start; and Gandalf mustfollow me。' He turned to go back; and then slopped; for he heard voices; justround the corner by the end of Bagshot Row。 One voice was certainly the oldGaffer's; the other was strange; and somehow unpleasant。 He could not make outwhat it said; but he heard the Gaffer's answers; which were rather shrill。 Theold man seemed put out。 
'No; Mr。 Baggins has gone away。 Went this morning; and my Sam went withhim: anyway all his stuff went。 Yes; sold out and gone; I tell'ee。 Why? Why'snone of my business; or yours。 Where to? That ain't no secret。 He's moved toBucklebury or some such place; away down yonder。 Yes it is – a tidy way。 I'venever been so far myself; they're queer folks in Buckland。 No; I can't give nomessage。 Good night to you!' 
Footsteps went away down the Hill。 Frodo wondered vaguely why the factthat they did not e on up the Hill seemed a great relief。 'I am sick ofquestions and curiosity about my doings; I suppose;' he thought。 'What aninquisitive lot they all are!' He had half a mind to go and ask the Gaffer whothe inquirer was; but he thought better (or worse) of it; and turned andwalked quickly back to Bag End。 
Pippin was sitting on his pack in the porch。 Sam was not there。 Frodostepped inside the dark door。 'Sam!' he called。 'Sam! Time!' 
'ing; sir!' came the answer from far within; followed soon by Samhimself; wiping his mouth。 He had been saying farewell to the beer…barrel inthe cellar。  
'All aboard; Sam?' said Frodo。 
'Yes; sir。 I'll last for a bit now; sir。'  
Frodo shut and locked the round door; and gave the key to Sam。 'Run downwith this to your home; Sam!' he said。 'Then cut along the Row and meet us asquick as you can at the gate in the lane beyond the meadows。 We are not goingthrough the village tonight。 Too many ears pricking and eyes prying。' Sam ranoff at full speed。 
'Well; now we're off at last!' said Frodo。 They shouldered their packsand took up their sticks; and walked round the corner to the west side of BagEnd。 'Good…bye!' said Frodo; looking at the dark blank windows。 He waved hishand; and then turned and (following Bilbo; if he had known it) hurried afterPeregrin down the garden…path。 They jumped over the low place in the hedge atthe bottom and took to the fields; passing into the darkness like a rustle inthe grasses。 
At the bottom of the Hill on its western side they came to the gateopening on to a narrow lane。 There they halted and adjusted the straps oftheir packs。 Presently Sam appeared; trotting quickly and breathing hard; hisheavy pack was hoisted high on his shoulders; and he had put on his head atall shapeless fell bag; which he called a hat。 In the gloom he looked verymuch like a dwarf。  
'I am sure you have given me all the heaviest stuff;' said Frodo。 'I pitysnails; and all that carry their homes on their backs。' 
'I could take a lot more yet; sir。 My packet is quite light;' said Samstoutly and untruthfully。 
'No; you don't; Sam!' said Pippin。 'It is good for him。 He's got nothingexcept what he ordered us to pack。 He's been slack lately; and he'll feel theweight less when he's walked off some of his own。' 
'Be kind to a poor old hobbit!' laughed Frodo。 'I shall be as thin as awillow…wand; I'm sure; before I get to Buckland。 But I was talking nonsense。 Isuspect you have taken more than your share; Sam; and I shall look into it atour next packing。' He picked up his stick again。 'Well; we all like walking inthe dark;' he said; 'so let's put some miles behind us before bed。' 
For a short way they followed the lane westwards。 Then leaving it theyturned left and took quietly to the fields again。 They went in single filealong hedgerows and the borders of coppices; and night fell dark about them。 
In their dark cloaks they were as invisible as if they all had magic rings。 
Since they were all hobbits; and were trying to be silent; they made no noisethat even hobbits would hear。 Even the wild things in the fields and woodshardly noticed their passing。 
After some time they crossed the Water; west of Hobbiton; by a narrowplank…bridge。 The stream was there no more than a winding black ribbon; 
bordered with leaning alder…trees。 A mile or two further south they hastilycrossed the great road from the Brandywine Bridge; they were now in theTookland and bending south…eastwards they made for the Green Hill Country。 Asthey began to climb its first slopes they looked back and saw the lamps inHobbiton far off twinkling in the gentle valley of the Water。 Soon itdisappeared in the folds of the darkened land; and was followed by Bywaterbeside its grey pool。 When the light of the last farm was far behind; peepingamong the trees; Frodo turned and waved a hand in farewell。 
'I wonder if I shall ever look down into that valley again;' he saidquietly。 
When they had walked for about three hours they rested。 The night wasclear; cool; and starry; but smoke…like wisps of mist were creeping up thehill…sides from the streams and deep meadows。 Thin…clad birches; swaying in alight wind above their heads; made a black net against the pale sky。 They atea very frugal supper (for hobbits); and then went on again。 Soon they struck anarrow road; that went rolling up and down; fading grey into the darknessahead: the road to Woodhall; and Stock; and the Bucklebury Ferry。 It climbedaway from the main road in the Water…valley; and wound over the skirts of theGreen Hills towards Woody…End; a wild corner of the Eastfarthing。 
After a while they plunged into a deeply cloven track between tall treesthat rustled their dry leaves in the night。 It was very dark。 At first they  
talked; or hummed a tune softly together; being now far away from inquisitiveears。 Then they marched on in silence; and Pippin began to lag behind。 Atlast; as they began to climb a steep slope; he stopped and yawned。 
'I am so sleepy;' he said; 'that soon I shall fall down on the road。 Areyou going to sleep on your legs? It is nearly midnight。' 
'I thought you liked walking in the dark;' said Frodo。 'But there is nogreat hurr
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