e Royale。 As I am of the church; and the affair might injure me if I should share it with any other than a sure friend like you; I write to beg that you will serve me as second。
〃You will enter by the Rue Neuve Sainte Catherine; under the second lamp on the right you will find your adversary。 I shall be with mine under the third。
〃Wholly yours;
D'Artagnan tried to recall his remembrances。 He had gone to the rendezvous; had encountered there the adversary indicated; whose name he had never known; had given him a pretty sword…stroke on the arm; then had gone toward Aramis; who at the same time came to meet him; having already finished his affair。 〃It is over;〃 Aramis had said。 〃I think I have killed the insolent fellow。 But; dear friend; if you ever need me you know that I am entirely devoted to you。〃 Thereupon Aramis had given him a clasp of the hand and had disappeared under the arcades。
So; then; he no more knew where Aramis was than where Athos and Porthos were; and the affair was being a matter of great perplexity; when he fancied he heard a pane of glass break in his room window。 He thought directly of his bag and rushed from the inner room where he was sleeping。 He was not mistaken; as he entered his bedroom a man was getting in by the window。
〃Ah! you scoundrel!〃 cried D'Artagnan; taking the man for a thief and seizing his sword。
〃Sir!〃 cried the man; 〃in the name of Heaven put your sword back into the sheath and don't kill me unheard。 I'm no thief; but an honest citizen; well off in the world; with a house of my own。 My name is ah! but surely you are Monsieur d'Artagnan?〃
〃And thou Planchet!〃 cried the lieutenant。
〃At your service; sir;〃 said Planchet; overwhelmed with joy; 〃if I were still capable of serving you。〃
〃Perhaps so;〃 replied D'Artagnan。 〃But why the devil dost thou run about the tops of houses at seven o'clock of the morning in the month of January?〃
〃Sir;〃 said Planchet; 〃you must know; but; perhaps you ought not to know 〃
〃Tell us what;〃 returned D'Artagnan; 〃but first put a napkin against the window and draw the curtains。〃
〃Sir;〃 said the prudent Planchet; 〃in the first place; are you on good terms with Monsieur de Rochefort?〃
〃Perfectly; one of my dearest friends。〃
〃Ah! so much the better!〃
〃But what has De Rochefort to do with this manner you have of invading my room?〃
〃Ah; sir! I must first tell you that Monsieur de Rochefort is 〃
Planchet hesitated。
〃Egad; I know where he is;〃 said D'Artagnan。 〃He's in the Bastile。〃
〃That is to say; he was there;〃 replied Planchet。 〃But in returning thither last night; when fortunately you did not acpany him; as his carriage was crossing the Rue de la Ferronnerie his guards insulted the people; who began to abuse them。 The prisoner thought this a good opportunity for escape; he called out his name and cried for help。 I was there。 I heard the name of Rochefort。 I remembered him well。 I said in a loud voice that he was a prisoner; a friend of the Duc de Beaufort; who called for help。 The people were infuriated; they stopped the horses and cut the escort to pieces; whilst I opened the doors of the carriage and Monsieur de Rochefort jumped out and soon was lost amongst the crowd。 At this moment a patrol passed by。 I was obliged to sound a retreat toward the Rue Tiquetonne; I was pursued and took refuge in the house next to this; where I have been concealed between two mattresses。 This morning I ventured to run along the gutters and 〃
〃Well;〃 interrupted D'Artagnan; 〃I am delight that De Rochefort is free; but as for thee; if thou shouldst fall into the hands of the king's servants they will hang thee without mercy。 Nevertheless; I promise thee thou shalt be hidden here; though I risk by concealing thee neither more nor less than my lieutenancy; if it was found out that I gave one rebel an asylum。〃
〃Ah! sir; you know well I would risk my life for you。〃
〃Thou mayst add that thou hast risked it; Planchet。 I have not forgotten all I owe thee。 Sit down there and eat in security。 I see thee cast expressive glances at the remains of my supper。〃
〃Yes; sir; for all I've had since yesterday was a slice of bread and butter; with preserves on it。 Although I don't despise sweet things in proper time and place; I found the supper rather light。〃
〃Poor fellow!〃 said D'Artagnan。 〃Well; e; set to。〃
〃Ah; sir; you are going to save my life a second time!〃 cried Planchet。
And he seated himself at the table and ate as he did in the merry days of the Rue des Fossoyeurs; whilst D'Artagnan walked to and fro and thought how he could make use of Planchet under present circumstances。 While he turned this over in his mind Planchet did his best to make up for lost time at table。 At last he uttered a sigh of satisfaction and paused; as if he had partially appeased his hunger。
〃e;〃 said D'Artagnan; who thought that it was now a convenient time to begin his interrogations; 〃dost thou know where Athos is?〃
〃No; sir;〃 replied Planchet。
〃The devil thou cost not! Dost know where Porthos is?〃:
〃No not at all。〃
〃And Aramis?〃
〃Not in the least。〃
〃The devil! the devil! the devil!〃
〃But; sir;〃 said Planchet; with a look of shrewdness; 〃I know where Bazin is。〃
〃Where is he?〃
〃At Notre Dame。〃
〃What has he to do at Notre Dame?〃
〃He is beadle。〃
〃Bazin beadle at Notre Dame! He must know where his master is!〃
〃Without a doubt he must。〃
D'Artagnan thought for a moment; then took his sword and put on his cloak to go out。
〃Sir;〃 said Planchet; in a mournful tone; 〃do you abandon me thus to my fate? Think; if I am found out here; the people of the house; who have not seen me enter it; will take me for a thief。〃
〃True;〃 said D'Artagnan。 〃Let's see。 Canst thou speak any patois?〃
〃I can do something better than that; sir; I can speak Flemish。〃
〃Where the devil didst thou learn it?〃
〃In Artois; where I fought for years。 Listen; sir。 Goeden morgen; mynheer; eth teen begeeray le weeten the ge sond heets omstand。〃
〃Which means?〃
〃Good…day; sir! I am anxious to know the state of your health。〃
〃He calls that a language! But never mind; that will do capitally。〃
D'Artagnan opened the door and called out to a waiter to desire Madeleine to e upstairs。
When the landlady made her appearance she expressed much astonishment at seeing Planchet。
〃My dear landlady;〃 said D'Artagnan; 〃I beg to introduce to you your brother; who is arrived from Flanders and whom I am going to take into my service。〃
〃My brother?〃
〃Wish your sister good…morning; Master Peter。〃
〃Wilkom; suster;〃 said Planchet。
〃Goeden day; broder;〃 replied the astonished landlady。
〃This is the case;〃 said D'Artagnan; 〃this is your brother; Madeleine; you don't know him perhaps; but I know him; he has arrived from Amsterdam。 You must dress him up during my absence。 When I return; which will be in about an hour; you must offer him to me as a servant; and upon your remendation; though he doesn't speak a word of French; I take him into my service。 You understand?〃
〃That is to say; I guess your wishes; and that is all that's necessary;〃 said Madeleine。
〃You are a precious creature; my pretty hostess; and I am much obliged to you。〃
The next moment D'Artagnan was on his way to Notre Dame。
Touches upon the Strange Effects a Half…pistole may have upon a Beadle and a Chorister
D'Artagnan; as he crossed the Pont Neuf; congratulated himself on having found Planchet again; for at that time an intelligent servant was essential to him; nor was he sorry that through Planchet and the situation which he held in Rue des Lombards; a connection with the bourgeoisie might be menced; at that critical period when that class were preparing to make war with the court party。 It was like having a spy in the enemy's camp。 In this frame of mind; grateful for the accidental meeting with Planchet; pleased with himself; D'Artagnan reached Notre Dame。 He ran up the steps; entered the church; and addressing a verger who was sweeping the chapel; asked him if he knew Monsieur Bazin。
〃Monsieur Bazin; the beadle?〃 said the verger。 〃Yes。 There he is; attending mass; in the chapel of the Virgin。〃
D'Artagnan nearly jumped for joy; he had despaired of finding Bazin; but now; he thought; since he held one end of the thread he would be pretty sure to reach the other end。
He knelt down just opposite the chapel in order not to lose sight of his man; and as he had almost forgotten his prayers and had omitted to take a book with him; he made use of his time in gazing at Bazin。
Bazin wore his dress; it may be observed; with equal dignity and saintly propriety。 It was not difficult to understand that he had gained the crown of his ambition and that the silver…mounted wand he brandished was in his eyes as honorable a distinction as the marshal's baton which Conde threw; or did not throw; into the enemy's line of battle at Fribourg。 His person had undergone a change; analogous to the change in his dress; his figure had grown rotund and; as it were; canonical。 The striking points of his face were effaced; he had still a nose; but his cheeks; fattened out; each took a portion of it unto themselves; his chin had joined his throat; his eyes were swelled up with the puffiness of his cheeks; his hair; cut straight in holy guise; covered his forehead as far as his eyebrows。
The officiating priest was just finishing mass whilst D'Artagnan was looking at Bazin; he pronounced the words of the holy Sacrament and retired; giving the benediction; which was received by the kneeling municants; to the astonishment of D'Artagnan; who recognized in the priest the coadjutor* himself; the famous Jean Francois Gondy; who at that time; having a presentiment of the part he was to play; was beginning to court popularity by almsgiving。 It was to this end that he performed from time to time some of those early masses which the mon people; generally; alone attended。
*A sacerdotal officer。
D'Artagnan knelt as well as the rest; received his share of the benediction and made the sign of the cross; but when Bazin passed